Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sweet Potato Flatbread

I've been thinking lately about finding a way to fill my need for bread on this strict diet we're on. I started thinking about potatoes... We can have potatoes, but in limited amounts. However, sweet potatoes are lower in phytic acid and are more welcome in our diet. So the question became "How can I make sweet potato flour?". While I DID find a way to make sweet potato flour (I'll post about that when I actually make it), I found a flatbread recipe for pureed sweet potatoes and died. You don't understand.... I started crying when I saw this recipe. Could this really be possible? Could I puree some sweet potatoes and eggs and make a flat bread? I HAD to try it. There was nothing but endless possibilities going through my mind!

The moment of truth arrived. I didn't have a lot of chicken for dinner, due to everyone picking at the gorgeous roast chicken I made earlier in the day. When I went to butcher said roasted chicken... it was quite sad and bare looking already. Oh well, saddle up because I'm using what's left for dinner. (The veggies were also stolen, by the way)

-2 sweet potatoes
-2 eggs
-Blender or food processor (sweet potatoes are SO hard I recommend a food processor unless you have a Vitamix)
-Peel sweet potatoes and chop into a few pieces and puree

- Spread the puree out on a (well oiled) baking sheet about 1/6-1/4" thick
-Bake at 375 degrees for about 35 minutes. (Mine looked great on the outside at 30 min, and I took it out but could have stood to go a few more minutes) 
That's it!
It's so incredibly simple I'm amazed at what the result was. It wasn't a french baguette, mind you. But for a family who hasn't had bread in about 5 weeks, it's a God send. You could easily add herbs to this to mask the sweet potato taste. Which, by the way, is not terribly distinct. It has more of an essence of sweet potato flavor. I FULLY intend to make this again... frequently. Next time will be a pizza. Granted, you will probably have to eat it with a fork b/c the bread does crumble. It's like a very thin cornbread, if you can imagine that texture. It may stay together better if it's made thicker, which I will also try.

I served it with our roast chicken and a spicy cheese sauce I made. The cheese didn't melt well, but it was delicious none the less. I used 1/2c plain organic greek yogurt, about 1/3lb raw cheddar cheese, 1 can chopped green chilis, and one jalapeno. Melted together on low. I added some salt and garlic powder to taste :)

I hope this helps some other families with dietary restrictions!

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