Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A day in the life: A mom with 4 young kids

I've recently started to feel down about having no time to shower or breathe, let alone workout these days. The other evening, I looked at my husband and said "Was life THIS busy before the baby? She doesn't seem to take up so much time but I have none now." He replied with "It doesn't seem like it because you enjoy taking care of her. She's a lot of work." He's right. She is. That (of course) doesn't mean I don't love every moment of it. Well, most moments, anyways. So, when feeling useless, there's nothing better to do than find a way to realize how much you actually do, right? So I decided to keep a log. I kept a log of my entire day. There are pieces left out of course, because there is no way to include every meltdown, snack, or diaper change. In a nutshell, here is my life. I hope this will give someone a smile and encourage you to keep on keepin' on. Your tediously beautiful life is molding the lives and hearts of your little ones. You're a great mom... As am I.

It starts at 6:45 AM.
6:43 I wake up 2 min before hubby's alarm and wake him up and turn off alarm so it doesn't wake the baby
7:00 The baby is up anyways because she hears daddy. She is smiling and cooing at him. I roll over to try to catch a few more Zs. I'm sucked in by her baby cuteness. I wake up and play with her.
7:15 I start breakfast, soak beans for dinner, and clean kitchen.
7:45 I finish kitchen and serve breakfast while speaking in what's got to be the most annoying voice known to man, to keep baby happy.
8:00 I eat my own breakfast and do the breakfast dishes while singing to baby. Who doesn't like to hear the same 2 line nursery rhyme 100x?
8:15 It's time to start diaper laundry unless I want to be peed on at nap time and I soothe a fussing baby.
8:20 I get to referee between older 3 kids. If only I had penalty flags like real refs... This wouldn't be so tedious.
8:30 I'm still trying to soothe the baby. I foolishly assume she is hungry, so I Attempt to BF and pump milk at same time. Multitasking! I can totally do this.
8:45 The baby pukes everywhere WHILE I'm still pumping. Awesome.
9:00 I've finished cleaning the baby and finally finish pumping.
9:15 The poor baby is hysterical. I lay her on my chest to pat her back and try calm her.
9:20 Ask the 7yo restart the diapers
9:30 The baby falls asleep and I am stuck under baby until she wakes up. Oh darn. This part of motherhood is tough.

9:45 I ask the oldest turn a movie on for kids so baby can sleep.
10:00 I'm still stuck under cute sleeping baby (who is snoring).10:05 The baby wakes up and I snuggle baby for a few.
10:10 I restart diapers (gotta get that detergent out!) and get the kids a snack
10:13 I attempt to calm a toddler meltdown b/c she doesn't want an apple for snack
10:20-10:30 I Print coloring pages and handwriting practice sheets and sharpen colored pencils
10:30 I try to clean while kids color and baby is chilling
10:45 I go and hide in the other room and attempt to eat a banana uninterrupted
10:46 The toddler catches me and a meltdown ensues
10:55 I restart the diapers.... Again
10:56 I fold clothes while answering questions comparing Jesus to a superhero. Meanwhile toddler is still walking around randomly whining that it's the end of the world
10:59 I remind the 5yo that the baby is not a toy (for the BILLIONTH time) and make her leave the baby alone. 5yo storms off to bedroom mumbling that I don't want her to love her sister while toddler is yelling that she doesn't like green apples and I never feed her.11:10 Finally finish folding laundry and nurse baby. Realize how badly I need a shower.
11:13 while nursing the baby, I research nutritionist degrees b/c hubby is interested in becoming a nutritionist
11:20 I finish nursing the baby and cuddle her and then referee fight commencing over blue colored pencil.
11:25 I preheat oven and prep lunch

11:30 - 11:35 I unload dishwater with toddler and start school work with 7yo while now loading dishwasher
11:35 I pick up fussing baby only to be vomited on. Clean up baby, self, and bed.
11:40 Finally put diapers into dryer and start load of clothes. Where do all these clothes come from? I swear I just washed these pants yesterday.
11:45 I hang out with the baby while attempting to put away laundry. Get vomited on again. Change my clothes, baby's clothes, and bedding... Again
11:50 Time for more school work with 7yo while soothing upset baby.
11:55 I'm Starting to get hungry. My stomach is burning. I eat an apple and get puked on again by baby, while talking to 3yo and 5yo about personal property and encroachment and how to treat other people. There was apparently some ripping of pictures and a pinch involved. Time to check on lunch.
12:00 I get the spaghetti squash out of oven and make sauce for squash while telling 5yo that (once again) the baby is not a toy. While sauce is warming, make more cleaning spray and clean counters with toddler and start math work with 7yo. No, dude I can't hold 3 fingers up for you to count at the moment. He counts his toes instead.12:15 I serve lunch to kids, wash hands, say blessing, and go to make own lunch (with baby in tow)- scratch that. Baby is hungry. Feed baby and give kids second helping of lunch leaving no lunch for me.
12:30 I preheat the oven (again), to cook for myself (eventually) and return to baby and am spit up on again. Baby is tired and grumpy.

12:35 The sweet baby is asleep on me and I'm answering questions about baby teeth. I'm not sure when I will get to eat. The kids are finished with lunch and are now writing letters to their pen pals and are making puppets. Well they're more like paper dolls, but apparently today they're puppets.
1:06 The baby is still asleep and I'm so hungry, but  I'm just happy the baby is getting sleep, for once. The toddler is playing in the vertical blinds and curtains and she's bound to break one. Those verticals drop like flies around here. She seems to be making a pallet of some sort. Maybe there's a toddler nap in my future! Could I be so lucky? But then she may pee in her sleep and I'll have to wash 5 blankets... It may not be worth the nap.
1:17 The baby wakes up. I potty the baby  (google Elimination Communication) and change her diaper and nurse her.
1:20 I cut up a squash for me and put it in oven. Found a few bites left over from the kids' lunch and wolf it down.
1:25 I take the diapers out of dryer, switch clothes, start a new load of clothes. Wasn't that laundry basket just empty? I Check the mail and straighten up the downstairs bathroom. How many pairs of underwear can one toddler go through in a day?!
1:32 The baby throws up everything I just fed her (I swear I don't low how she is so fat). Clean up myself and baby. The Kids start fighting b/c they messed up the toddler's fort. I throw my invisible red flag and talk about encroachment
1:50 I eat lunch!!! FINALLY!
1:55 I go get seconds. Take break to wipe toddler butt. MMmm that always helps the appetite.
2:00 I get puked on again. NO WONDER I STINK!  Ask 5yo to unload the dishwasher (cue meltdown), and help toddler clean up her fort shenanigans.
2:01 After a short protest, the 5yo is being helpful and obedient while the toddler now melts down. The 7yo is still making puppets.
2:05 The toddler and 5yo finish their chores and 7yo puts on a puppet show and we sing Frozen songs.
2:13 I'm nursing the baby and the toddler is crying b/c I won't let her eat the block of Parmesan cheese.
2:30 The baby fell asleep next to me. The Toddler is antagonizing the 7yo while he tries to do the dishes.
2:35 The toddler is now screaming at the 7yo and waking the baby up. I don't know what they're fighting about, there's really no telling.
2:55 The baby is still asleep and I'm really tempted to go to sleep too. I have a headache.
2:59 The kids are fighting over who will clean the living room. The 7yo volunteers to shut the younger two up.
3:05 The kids wake baby up. More puke. Oh joy. I'm exhausted and my patience is thin. The kids turn on an episode of Wild Kratts. It's educational and they like it. Win/win. We normally only do educational television. They used to only get one movie a week or so. Now a days it's more like 2, 30 minute, shows so they baby can get some sort of rest.
3:35 I had a nice half our to rest and play with the baby. Hubby just got home early.
3:50 Hubby left to go to the gym. Played and talked to kids.
4:20 I foolishly attempt to take a shower. I get undressed and baby starts screaming. I forfeit my shower and lay with her on the bed, half dressed.
4:45 The baby finally stops screaming and falls asleep. I just want a shower.
5:05 The hubby gets home and baby wakes up
5:15 I hand baby off to husband and put dinner in the oven and get into the shower. I put my head against the shower wall and listen to the silence. I treasure it.
5:45 I get out of shower and get dressed and finish dinner.
6:15 I sit down with family and eat dinner while holding baby. I love eating with one hand. It's become an art.
6:45 I'm holding a baby who is now screaming and I try to feed her. (She's had a rough day. She's normally not quite this grumpy)
6:50 I get thrown up on. This pretty much sums up my life.
7:00 I catch (lots of) baby poop in tiny potty. YES!
7:15 I call and talk to my dad for a few minutes
7:30 I hang out with hubby and we play with the kids
8:00 We brush teeth and say prayers with kids and put them to bed. I head back downstairs with hubby and baby. 
8:10 The baby is in her swing. She has a new found love for it, however it's not what she wants. She's tired and wants to be on me. She is in that begging to whine phase. I debate letting her whine for a minute to see if she will fall asleep, so I can clean the kitchen and do laundry. The whining is dwindling. It's more like intermittent whimpers.
8:15 Baby starts crying. I get her out of the swing.
8:16 I nurse the  the baby
8:27 The baby fell asleep
8:29 The toddler comes down stairs b/c she wants me to "fix" her necklace. This thing has like 800 knots in it. How the heck am I supposed to fix that?
8:30 The 5yo comes down and asks to sleep down stairs. I say no and she asks for water. No doubt to thwart my attempt to get them back into their beds. The Girls head back upstairs and continue to play in their room (loudly of course).
8:42 I'm too tired to do the dishes or laundry so they will wait until morning. I will make myself some banana ice cream and then go to bed
8:53 I get up to make snack for me and hubby
8:55 The baby wakes up screaming b/c I'm no longer laying next to her
9:15 I'm beckoned up stairs to wipe toddler butt
9:30 I take hubby's baked apple out of the oven and eat my banana ice cream. Talk about Jesus while eating our snack. I love our nighttime Jesus talks.
9:35 the 7yo comes down stairs telling me he needs his big comforter. (Which is currently in the dirty clothes) b/c it's too much work in the middle of the night to pull his smaller one up to cover him, once he has kicked it off. You got a tough life there kid. I give him one of our blankets.
9:40 the girls yell down the stairs that they left their pillows down here. I rush to give them to them, before the yelling wakes the baby up.
9:45 The toddler comes down stairs for a new Pull-up b/c she won't take it off to pee yet. /sigh I can't wait until night time diapers are gone.
9:49 I realize tomorrow is pay day and I need to meal plan and make a grocery list for tomorrow and leave as soon as hubby gets home so we can have food for dinner. I wonder what I'm gonna feed the kids for lunch tomorrow. I'll be getting creative, that's for sure. Chick pea, cauliflower, and spaghetti squash casserole? That's a thing, right?
10:15 Toddler sneaks down stairs and will fall asleep on the couch. We turn off the lights, set the alarm, and go to bed.
12:00AM I finally fall asleep. I spent an hour and some change catching up with some friends, online. They can relate to my madness

And I will do it all again tomorrow. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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